Family Blogs | Barristers & Solicitors

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  • Financial Infidelity: A guide for UK couples
    Financial infidelity isn’t a term used often, but it is more common than you may think. It refers to a pattern of financial behaviour whereby one partner in a relationship is dishonest about money matters or misuses shared finances without the other partner’s knowledge or consent. An introduction to financial infidelity Whether it’s hiding debts,... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • Transparency Pilot expanded to include private family law cases
    The Transparency pilot in a select number of family courts has been extended to now allow accredited journalists and legal bloggers to report on what they see and hear in private law cases, including children matters. This is another significant step in enhancing transparency within the family justice system and building trust and confidence. Background... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • Navigating the Conversation: Telling Your Children About Your New Partner After Divorce
    Chloe O., one of our partner divorce coaches, discusses how to tell your children about your new partner after divorce. Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for parents and children alike. Amidst the changes and transitions, one delicate conversation arises: how to tell your children that you have met someone new. This... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • Top tips on how to be financially prepared for divorce
    Following on from her blog on the main financial challenges people face when going into a divorce, Jodie Phelps, leading financial adviser discusses her top 10 tips for being financially prepared for your divorce. Top 10 tips on how to be financially prepared for divorce Being financially prepared for a divorce involves several key steps... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • What are the main financial challenges going into divorce?
    Finances are often one of the most stressful elements of a divorce. Over the cost-of-living crisis, many people have delayed their divorce because they simply have not been able to afford to run a home independently of their spouse. Money worries can have a considerable impact on our mental wellbeing, but there are ways to... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • A beginner’s guide to open relationships
    Admittedly, open relationships, also known as ethical or consensual non-monogamy, are not for everyone. But for a growing minority of UK couples they offer an unconventional relationship solution, and for some even an alternative to divorce or separation. We expect a lot from long-term relationships and marriage. And while we enter into these agreements knowingly, some... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • Reframing living alone after divorce
    Living alone after a divorce or breakup is a transformative experience. It can bring both challenges and opportunities as you transition to living by yourself for the first time in years, or potentially ever. Reframing living alone Adapting to a new lifestyle and redefining yourself outside of a marriage or long-term partnership can be an... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • How to deal with guilt over a breakup
    Kate Nestor, a divorce and relationship breakup coach at Stowe Family Law, looks at how to deal with guilt over a breakup. Breakups are never easy. Whether you are the one making the decision, or the one floored by your partner’s rejection, the emotions can be overwhelming and difficult to deal with.  And of all... […]
    Kate Nestor
  • The unique challenges of grey divorce
    Senior Associate Ashley Le-Core joins us on the blog to talk about Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford’s ‘grey divorce’ and what might be different about, and the unique challenges of, divorcing later in life. ‘Grey divorce’, also known as ‘silver splitter divorce’, is perhaps a lesser-known term meaning when a couple divorces over the age... […]
    Stowe Family Law
  • Can Depression Cause Divorce?
    1 in 4 people in the UK will suffer from a mental health problem each year, and 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, in any given week. Being in a happy, stable relationship positively impacts on the mental health of the couple, but poor marriages... […]
    Stowe Family Law